This is not about the Navajo Nation (Mostly)

What is this blog not about?

This blog is named after the Navajo Nation purely because I live in the Navajo Nation. That does not mean that everything I post will be about the Navajo Nation or the people in it. If that seems like clickbait to you and the only reason that you pressed on this site was to learn about the Navajo Nation than this might not be the site for you. Now at certain times I may talk about the Navajo Nation and my problems with its government and the mindset of its people, but that won’t be its main purpose.

What is this Blog about?

That, I don’t really know. This blog will be very broad and generic but I will try to keep some nice pictures in here too. The reason for me creating this blog is to improve my writing and photography abilities which you will see are in need of improvement. By the end of this I hope to improve my vocabulary and learn how to use different words. I also want to work on my photography and learn how to take a better pictures. So this is me killing two birds with one stone.

That’s all I have to say so far, I know that its not much of an introduction but I hope that whoever comes across this will stick around and enjoy the journey with me.